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開講年度 | 2023 年度 | |
開講区分 | 共通教育・教養基礎科目 | |
受講対象学生 |
学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次, 5年次, 6年次 To register for this course, you are expected to have scored 500 or higher on TOEIC IP. Students who have earned two credits in TOEIC preparation courses are also welcome to register. |
授業科目名 | 英語Ⅱ発展Ab | |
えいごにはってん えいびい | ||
English II Advanced Ab | ||
授業テーマ | ||
単位数 | 1 単位 | |
ナンバリングコード | libr-fndt-ENGL2242-004
開放科目 | 非開放科目 | |
分野 | 国際・外国語 | |
分類・領域 |
教養基盤科目・外国語教育 (2022(令和4)年度〜2015(平成27)年度入学生対象) |
開講学期 |
後期 |
開講時間 |
火曜日 9, 10時限 |
授業形態 |
対面授業 * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい
「オンライン授業」・・・オンライン会議ツール等を利用して実施する同時双方向型の授業 |
開講場所 | ||
担当教員 | ヒル リチャード (人文学部) | |
HILL, Richard (Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics) | ||
実務経験のある教員 | 1. HILL, Richard 2. Library Founder 3. Although a lecturer, I also have founded a library (with a friend) with over 10,000 English books located in Imaike, Nagoya. Supporting English language learners, it also provides fiction for reading for pleasure too. This experience will add to the course as I interact with different families and users of the library on a weekly basis and has thus developed my social interactions. Furthermore public readings and presentations occur at the library often of which I either present or set-up. This in turn will show in the course that I not only teach presentation skills but am still practicing myself the techniques I introduce. |
SDGsの目標 |
連絡事項 | * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい |
授業の概要 | 英語で実施する授業科目 ---ACADEMIC PRESENTATION--- Students will learn basic principles and methods of making effective presentations in English. The skills will be useful for research presentation and getting a better understanding of how to make better research papers. This will provide practice in English and boost confidence for future conferences. This course is the continuation of the spring semester and looks at how to present someone else's research and how to analyze and write an abstract. |
学修の目的 | The central aim of this course is to improve students’ presentation skills and to help students understand and create their own academic presentation based on a thorough understanding of 1) observations/problems 2) research questions/objectives, and 3) thesis statements/hypotheses. We will then use this basic framework to move to more advanced topics. Students will dissect and understand a work of their choosing as a basis for their presentation. Students will also learn how to write a proposal/abstract for their work. Students will present twice during the semester using the skills learned throughout the course. As necessary, most classes will contain a lecture dealing with specific aspects of presentation skills. Class activities and materials will be oriented around pair and small group work. |
学修の到達目標 | Students will develop academic English presentation skills by turning a research paper into a presentation. They will also make an abstract and use this as a tool to help them present. |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
成績評価方法と基準 | 30% Classwork 30% Homework 20% Presentation 1 20% Presentation 2 - The passing mark is 60%. - Full attendance and active participation in English are expected. You will lose points for being late, absent, or unprepared. |
授業の方法 | 演習 |
授業の特徴 |
プレゼンテーション/ディベートを取り入れた授業 グループ学習の要素を加えた授業 教員と学生、学生相互のやり取りが、ほぼ英語で進められる授業 |
授業改善の工夫 | |
教科書 | Handouts to be provided by the instructor. |
参考書 | |
オフィスアワー | Announced by the instructor during the first lesson. To schedule an appointment Tuesday-Friday, contact me at the e-mail address shown at the top of this syllabus (viewable on campus). |
受講要件 | To register for this course, you are expected to have scored 500 or higher on TOEIC-IP. Students who have earned two credits in TOEIC preparation courses are also welcome to register. |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | English II Advanced Aa 英語Ⅱ発展Aa |
発展科目 | |
その他 |
All materials and classroom instruction are in English. 英語で実施する授業科目 |
MoodleのコースURL |
キーワード | See English keywords below. |
Key Word(s) | Public speaking, Advanced English presentations |
学修内容 | Week 1 – Course introduction, orientation; What is research? Week 2 – Observations, Research Questions, and Thesis statements Week 3 – Problems, Objectives, and Hypotheses Week 4 – Choosing a work to present: things to consider Week 5 – Idea/point: Real-world background and significance Week 6 – Support for idea: How to support the thesis statement/hypothesis (Method, Results, Discussion) Week 7 – Wrapping up: conclusions; outlines Week 8 – Presentation 1 Week 9 – Presentation 1 Week 10 – Feedback from presentation 1/ Making a proposal/abstract: fundamentals Week 11 – Making a proposal/abstract: examples/research in progress Week 12 – Building your proposal Week 13 – Proposal draft – tying this to the presentation Week 14 – Presentation 2 Week 15 – Presentation 2 |
事前・事後学修の内容 | Students should do the assigned homework and come to class prepared. |
事前学修の時間:60分/回 事後学修の時間:60分/回 |