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開講年度 | 2023 年度 | |
開講区分 | 生物資源学部 | |
受講対象学生 |
資源循環学科・全教育コース 学部(学士課程) : 2年次 |
選択・必修 | 選択 |
授業科目名 | Science English I | |
さいえんす いんぐりっしゅ 1 | ||
Science English I | ||
単位数 | 2 単位 | |
ナンバリングコード | BIOR-Comn-3045-001
開放科目 | 開放科目
他学科の学生の受講可 *2年生以上の学生の受講可 |
開講学期 |
後期 |
開講時間 |
月曜日 1, 2時限 |
授業形態 |
対面授業 * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい
「オンライン授業」・・・オンライン会議ツール等を利用して実施する同時双方向型の授業 |
開講場所 | ||
担当教員 | タラガラ タランガ(特任教員),ジャガット クララトナ(特任教員) | |
Thalagala Tharanga , Jagath Kularatne | ||
SDGsの目標 |
連絡事項 | * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい |
授業の概要 | Acquiring, integrating, and sharing basic knowledge of agriculture and ecology are paramount factors in the ever-changing world. In this aspect, disseminating modern technology and communication among nations is vital for developing sustainable agriculture. Further, most international organizations, academic institutions, and agribusiness widely use English as their language of instruction. Therefore, this course aims to strengthen the fundamental knowledge of crop science, ecology, climate change, ozone depletion, agricultural economics, sustainable development practices, statistics, and analytical methods in English medium. At the end of this course, students will improve their fundamental knowledge of the abovementioned fields, understand various kinds of scientific literature, and apply their expertise to agriculture and environment-related problems globally while using scientific English to communicate this knowledge. |
学修の目的 | To provide fundamentals of crop science, ecology, sustainable agriculture, and statistical analysis in English. To produce ideas in an acceptable written form and extend the vocabulary in English related to the scientific fields mentioned above. To improve communication skills in English by practicing analysis, critical thinking, formal presentations, and discussions. To develop flexible and versatile human resources in this fast globalizing world. |
学修の到達目標 | Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: ・Improve the fundamental knowledge of crop science, ecology, sustainable agriculture, and statistical analysis. ・Follow lectures conducted in English. ・Learn scientific English, gather the required information, and write them in formal reports. ・Present scientific information (PowerPoint, poster, etc.) and have constructive discussions in English. ・Involve in national & international research and projects. ・Develop skills to challenge the world without limiting to their own country. ・Find job opportunities both in national and international markets. |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
成績評価方法と基準 | Homework: [40%] Presentation: [30%] in-class activities: [30%] Students must attend more than 70% of the classes to obtain credits. |
授業の方法 | 講義 |
授業の特徴 |
教員と学生、学生相互のやり取りが、ほぼ英語で進められる授業 |
授業改善の工夫 | Students are expected to speak freely in English during class, and no need to worry about language mistakes. Teachers speak slowly and clearly, which enables students to understand accurately. The form and procedure of the lecture contents are subject to change slightly following the students' ability. |
教科書 | Information on textbooks and references, if any, will be provided in the guidance lesson. In addition, soft copies of scientific literature are provided when necessary. |
参考書 | Notify the students as necessary. |
オフィスアワー | Students may freely visit teachers before or after the class or by making an appointment via email. tharanga@bio.mie-u.ac.jp jagath@bio.mie-u.ac.jp |
受講要件 | Nothing in particular |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | Nothing in particular |
発展科目 | Nothing in particular |
その他 | Students are expected to prepare and revise the lessons to familiarize themselves with scientific English. In addition, the enthusiasm for learning is helpful for students to improve their skills of reading, listening, writing, speaking, analytical, and critical thinking. |
MoodleのコースURL |
キーワード | water pollution, air pollution, soil, ecosystems, climate change, sustainable development, statistics |
Key Word(s) | water pollution, air pollution, soil, ecosystems, climate change, sustainable development, statistics |
学修内容 | Reading lessons use agriculture, forestry, biology, and ecology documents. Students should read and comprehend the given passages (intensive reading) and explain the content in English. Writing lessons ask students to prepare short reports using lecture notes or information from other sources such as the internet, textbooks, or research papers. Students must answer the given assignments. Communication lessons are conducted as group presentations that include 3~5 members per group. Each member should present for around fifteen minutes, and the audience's students should participate in Q&A sessions. 第1回:Guidance: Lesson structure, examination, evaluation method, grading, etc., 第2回:Water and water pollution: water distribution, water depletion, water pollution, and preventative methods. 第3回:Atmosphere and air pollution: composition, air pollution causes, and preventive methods. 第4回:Land and soil: uses of land, soil degradation, and proper soil management practices. 第5回:Lecture based on a video clip: Dry zone agriculture 第6回:Ecosystems: energy flow and cycles of matter in an ecosystem. 第7回:Presentations-1 in English. 第8回:Presentation-2 in English. 第 9回: Climate change, Ozone depletion, sustainable development practices. 第10回: Statistics for the biological sciences (part-2): Normal distribution, sample distribution. 第11回: Confidence intervals, comparison of independent variables. 第12回: Comparison of independent variables, t-test. 第13回: Statistical significance and hypothesis testing. 第14回:Presentation-3 in English. 第15回:Presentation-4 in English. 第16回:No end-semester examination. |
事前・事後学修の内容 | Regular attendance, timely homework submission, preparations, and participation in class activities are strongly recommended. For those who want to upgrade their knowledge of statistics further, we advise you to take the course "Introduction to Global Food Security" (from 9:30 to 12:00 on Mondays this semester), which includes "statistics for the biological sciences part-1". |
事前学修の時間:120分/回 事後学修の時間:120分/回 |