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開講年度 | 2023 年度 | |
開講区分 | 共通教育・教養基礎科目 | |
受講対象学生 |
学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次, 5年次, 6年次 To register for this course, you are expected to have scored 500 or higher on TOEIC IP. Students who have earned two credits in TOEIC preparation courses are also welcome to register. |
授業科目名 | 英語II発展C | |
えいごにはってんしー | ||
English II Advanced C (Writing) | ||
授業テーマ | 英語ライティング | |
単位数 | 1 単位 | |
ナンバリングコード | libr-fndt-ENGL2244-001
開放科目 | 非開放科目 | |
分野 | 国際・外国語 | |
分類・領域 |
教養基盤科目・外国語教育 (2022(令和4)年度〜2015(平成27)年度入学生対象) |
開講学期 |
前期 |
開講時間 |
月曜日 7, 8時限 |
授業形態 |
対面授業 * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい
「オンライン授業」・・・オンライン会議ツール等を利用して実施する同時双方向型の授業 |
開講場所 | ||
担当教員 | リチャーズ ジョン | |
RICHARDS, Jon | ||
実務経験のある教員 | Name: Jon Richards Experience outside of Mie University: -Proprietor of a private English school for over 25 years -Instructor at Tsu City College -Instructor at National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Suzuka University In this course, students will learn how to improve their writing. We will accomplish this by studying what makes up a paragraph and an essay. Emphasis will be placed on brainstorming, analyzing a paragraph, working on content, organizing their ideas, and presenting their ideas in well structured writing assignments. The main focus of this course is to teach students to how to generate topics, write cohesive paragraphs, and organize them into clear, logical expository compositions. |
SDGsの目標 |
連絡事項 | * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい |
授業の概要 | 英語で実施する授業科目 ---English Writing--- In this course we shall study the fundamentals of essay writing. Students will learn how to improve their writing. We will accomplish this by studying what makes up a paragraph and an essay. Emphasis will be placed on brainstorming, analyzing a paragraph, working on content, organizing ideas, and presenting ideas in well structured writing assignments. |
学修の目的 | The main focus of this course is to teach students to how to generate topics, write cohesive paragraphs, and organize them into clear, logical expository compositions. |
学修の到達目標 | By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to write sentences, generate and organize content, structure and sequence this content into paragraphs and later compositions, review and edit what they have written, and finally, respond to what others have written. |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
成績評価方法と基準 | Written Assignments: 100% Each class except for the first class will have a homework assignment. Your final grade will be based upon your homework. To say this simply, each homework assignment will be 1/14 of your final grade. ------------ Passing mark: 60% |
授業の方法 | 演習 |
授業の特徴 |
Moodleを活用する授業 その他、能動的要素を加えた授業(ミニッツペーパー、シャトルカードなど) 教員と学生、学生相互のやり取りが、ほぼ英語で進められる授業 |
授業改善の工夫 | |
教科書 | Writing from Within - Level 2 (second edition) by Curtis Kelly & Arlen Gargagliano Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 978-0521188340 |
参考書 | Please bring a dictionary, pencil and writing journal, textbook (Writing from Within 2) and a thesaurus. |
オフィスアワー | The instructor can be contacted via -the e-mail address on this syllabus (viewable on campus) -the office of the Center for General Education (全学共通教育センタ−事務室) |
受講要件 | To register for this course, you are required to have scored 500 or higher on TOEIC IP. Students who have earned two credits in TOEIC preparation courses are also eligible to register. |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | |
発展科目 | 1. English II Advanced C (fall semester) 2. Other courses conducted in English. Some examples include: 現代社会理解特殊講義4、国際理解特殊講義4、環境学A、英語Ⅱ発展Aa, Ab, B, D |
その他 | 英語で実施する授業科目 |
MoodleのコースURL |
キーワード | 英語、 書き、 校閲、 意味段落、 形式段落 |
Key Word(s) | English, Writing, Proofreading, Paragraphs, Essays |
学修内容 | Class 1 – Introductions and assessment of everyone’s level. Class 2 – Unit 1 - About me Class 3 – Unit 2 - Career consultant Class 4 – Unit 3 - A dream come true Class 5 – Unit 4 - Invent Class 6 – Unit 5 - It changed my life! Class 7 – Unit 6 - Exciting destinations Class 8 – Unit 7 - Classifying classmates Class 9 – Unit 8 - The job interview Class 10 – Unit 9 - Personal goals Class 11 – Unit 10 - Architect Class 12 – Unit 11 - My role models Class 13 – Unit 12 - Be a reporter Class 14 – Writing assignment chosen by the instructor Class 15 – Writing assignment chosen by the instructor There is no exam during exam week. |
事前・事後学修の内容 | Making an effort between lessons is the key to success in this course. You will be expected to do the following: 1) study notes taken in class; 2) do the assigned writing homework; 3) review your written work to improve your writing; 4) review English phrases for participating in class. |
事前学修の時間:60分/回 事後学修の時間:60分/回 |