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開講年度 2022 年度
開講区分 教養教育・教養基盤科目・外国語教育
受講対象学生 学部(学士課程) : 1年次
授業科目名 英語II発展B
English II Advanced B (Reading & Discussion)
単位数 1 単位
開放科目 非開放科目    



開講時間 火曜日 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8時限; 水曜日 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8時限; 木曜日 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8時限; 金曜日 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6時限


* 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい



担当教員 リチャーズ ジョン


実務経験のある教員 Name: Jon Richards
Experience outside of Mie University:
-Proprietor of a private English school for over 25 years.
-Instructor at Tsu City College
-Instructor at National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Suzuka University

I aim to (a) help the students improve their reading abilities, (b) focus on reading and understanding through context and NOT through depending on a dictionary, (c) use the topics to engage in thoughtful discussions and debates, and (d) improve students' speed not only in reading, but in speaking.


* 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい


授業の概要 This is a 4-day intensive course in which students can immerse themselves in an English-only environment for about 6 hours per day.

In my experience the best way to learn a language is to personalize the points that you are studying. And so, I have made this course introspective. Students will be asked to read, discuss, and make presentations based on the topics and handouts that will be provided. Topics for this course will be international topics that the students will learn to relate to their daily lives and personal beliefs. The value of this course is that each day will be nearly a full day of English immersion so students will develop their communication skills and develop their coping skills for unknown language.
学修の目的 Improve vocabulary, discussion, and presentation skills.
学修の到達目標 By the end of the semester, students will be expected to have improved their vocabulary, discussion, and presentation skills by reading and discussing the topics of this course.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  • ○共感
  • ○主体性
  •  幅広い教養
  •  専門知識・技術
  • ○論理的・批判的思考力
  • ○表現力(発表・討論・対話)
  •  リーダーシップ・フォロワーシップ
  • ○実践外国語力
  •  問題発見解決力
  •  心身・健康に対する意識
  • ○社会人としての態度・倫理観

成績評価方法と基準 Grades will be based on your presentations and in class assignments. Each day will represent 25% of the students’ overall score. This daily 25% will be divided into 10% for presentations and 15% for assignments.
授業の方法 演習






教科書 Materials will be provided by the instructor.
オフィスアワー The instructor can be contacted via
-the e-mail address on this syllabus (viewable on campus)
-the Special English Program
-Center for General Education office
受講要件 This course is for students who are currently enrolled in the Special English Program.
その他 This course is conducted completely in English.


キーワード 英語、読み、聞き、話、批判的思考
Key Word(s) Personal Identity. Culture, Values, Belief, English, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Discussion
学修内容 This is a 4-day intensive course, conducted completely in English. This will be time restrictive so our class time will be separated into individual reading, group work, pair work, and presentation periods. Presenting will be done both as a group and as individuals.

Day 1 (4 classes)
The theme of this day will be cultural identity. Students will be asked to introduce themselves and take a self evaluation on their belief system. Then they will be given time to compare and discuss our belief system in contrast to the cultural beliefs of our country. At the end of the day students will be asked to present to the class themselves in terms of having a strong or weak cultural identity.

Day 2 (4 classes)
The theme of this day will be culture shock. Students will first be asked to perform the cultural simulation game, Bafa Bafa, as a means to experience and understand culture shock. Next students will study the history of culture shock as described by Janet Bennett. Students will then be assigned one of the four levels of cultural shock to study. Students will then be asked to work in small groups to explain and demonstrate their level of culture shock to the rest of the class. Finally, students will take a personality survey to determine their susceptibility to culture shock.

Day 3 (4 classes)
The theme of this day will be communication styles. Students will be given a survey and small group time to categorize and discuss their way of communication. Students will then be given a handout presenting four types of communicators. Students will then be asked to work in small groups to explain and demonstrate their type of communication to the rest of the class.

Day 4 (3 classes)
The topic will be global citizenship. Students will be given a survey and handout to read about the concept of global citizenship. Small group time will be devoted to the discussion of what is our individual definition of global citizenship. Also, speeches made by Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela will be analyzed and discussed. Finally, students will be asked to make group presentations on the meaning and responsibilities of global citizenship.
事前・事後学修の内容 Reading, listening, and written assignments; review of class content; general study to improve your English;
Details will be explained in class.
事前学修の時間:60分/回    事後学修の時間:60分/回

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