→ 閉じる(シラバスの一覧にもどる)
開講年度 | 2022 年度 | |
開講区分 | 人文学部文化学科 | |
受講対象学生 |
2011年度以前入学生用(文化) 学部(学士課程) : 2年次, 3年次, 4年次 |
選択・必修 | ||
授業科目名 | 英語学演習P | |
えいごがくえんしゅうP | ||
Seminar in English Linguistics P | ||
単位数 | 2 単位 | |
ナンバリングコード | humn-cult2100-208
開放科目 | 非開放科目 | |
開講学期 |
後期 |
開講時間 |
木曜日 9, 10時限 |
授業形態 |
ハイブリッド授業 * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい
「オンライン授業」・・・オンライン会議ツール等を利用して実施する同時双方向型の授業 |
開講場所 | ||
担当教員 | プリモ ロバート | |
Primeau Robert | ||
SDGsの目標 |
連絡事項 | * 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい |
授業の概要 | This course provides more skills in acquiring a second language without the use of Japanese. The course will use techniques such as Total Physical Response and realia to introduce French to beginners. The goal of the course to acquire basic French language skills without relying on another language. This course is preferable to take if you have never learned French at all. |
学修の目的 | Topics for this course will range from short self-introductions to brief small talk using various Second Language Acquisition learning techniques. This course will continue to provide students the necessary skills to understand basic vocabulary and grammar without the need for translation. Finally, those acquired skills and techniques will be applied to have a short conversation in French. |
学修の到達目標 | Students will be introduced to Total Physical Response (TPR), which is a functional and practical method for learning the basics of a foreign language. This course will provide students the necessary skills to understand another language without the need to rely on their first language. Finally, those acquired skills and techniques will be applied to have a brief conversation by the end of the semester. |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
成績評価方法と基準 | Classwork/Participation: 30 points Homework: 15 points Quizzes (Total 2 x 10 pts.): 20 points Practicum (Last class): 35 points |
授業の方法 | 演習 |
授業の特徴 |
グループ学習の要素を加えた授業 Moodleを活用する授業 |
授業改善の工夫 | |
教科書 | |
参考書 | |
オフィスアワー | Tuesday - Friday by appointment Thursday: 13:30 - 14:30 In my office on the 3rd floor of the Humanities building |
受講要件 | |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | 特になし |
発展科目 | 特になし |
その他 |
MoodleのコースURL |
https://moodle.mie-u.ac.jp/moodle35/course/view.php?id=13607 |
キーワード | 第2言語習得 |
Key Word(s) | Second Language Acquisition (SLA) |
学修内容 | of "Overall Composition" Part 1:Orientation and review The TPR Model and brief demonstration of teaching in the target language (short French demo) Part 2:Learn point grammar: I will, practice phonetics, and discuss the topic of: new greetings Part 3:Learn grammar point: I had, learn practice, and discuss the topic of: Objects No.4:Learn point grammar: I wanted, transcribe, and discuss the topic of Movies: Movies Part 5:Review and Quiz: Weeks 1 to 4 No.6:Learn grammar point: I will like and discuss the topic of: Music No.7:Learn grammar point: I could and discuss the topic of: Activities No.8:Learn point grammar: grammar: I did / the used and discuss the topic of sports No.9:Learn grammar point: I and discuss the topic of: Countries/Travel No.10:review and Review and Quiz: Week 6 to 9 No.11:Talk about: Food and discuss the topic of: Recipe No.12:Talk about: Animals and Discuss the topic of Evolution No.13:Talk about: Routine and Discuss the topic of: Classroom objects No.14:Talk about: Routine again and the topic of: Household objects Vol.15:Final Assessment- covers all previous topics. |
事前・事後学修の内容 | Students should do the assigned homework and come to class prepared. |
事前学修の時間:120分/回 事後学修の時間:120分/回 |