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開講年度 2020 年度
開講区分 教養教育・教養統合科目・国際理解・現代社会理解
受講対象学生 学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次, 5年次, 6年次
授業科目名 環境学A
Environmental Studies A
授業テーマ 環境科学入門
単位数 2 単位
開放科目 非開放科目    
分野 自然 (2014年度(平成26年度)以前入学生対象)


火曜日 7, 8 時限

開講時間 火曜日 7, 8時限
We will use the Moodle system so please bring your laptop to class. Buy a pocket file to organize all the prints given in class.

担当教員 トゥラダール アスタ(教養教育院)




授業の概要 Plants are at the base of our ecosystem so conserving plant bio resources is important for survival of life on earth. Gaining knowledge about plant biology can help us address important global issues we face today like population explosion, food insecurity, pollution, climate change etc. This course is designed to deepen our knowledge about plant biodiversity and how humans can benefit from it. It aims to educate students about the need for conservation and sustainable use of these resource
学修の目的 The purpose of this course is to introduce the world of plants and its role in human development. It helps students gain in-depth knowledge about how human civilizations have flourished by utilizing plant bio resources and developed modern agriculture, from the time of plant hunters to the present day, when we can easily consume food produced in different parts of the world. Topics like plant breeding, modern technology in food production, plant diversity conservation, plant physiology and anatomy will be focused. Students will learn to research, write essays, perform peer evaluation and make short presentations in English.
学修の到達目標 After taking this course, students can (i) gain in-depth knowledge about potentials and opportunities in the field of plant biology and be able to view it as a beneficial resource for human civilization, and (ii) acquire skills in writing academic essays and making oral presentations in English.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  •  共感
  •  主体性
  •  幅広い教養
  • ○専門知識・技術
  •  論理的・批判的思考力
  • ○表現力(発表・討論・対話)
  •  リーダーシップ・フォロワーシップ
  • ○実践外国語力
  • ○問題発見解決力
  • ○心身・健康に対する意識
  •  社会人としての態度・倫理観

成績評価方法と基準 There will be no examinations. Students will be evaluated according to attendance, classroom participation, essays (500-1000 words each) and one time 15-minute oral presentation.
授業の方法 講義






授業改善の工夫 Peer review time to refine and improve their reports will be allotted. Student-to-student evaluation of oral presentation will be given importance. Videos will be recommended to understand basic phenomenons. Learning technical terminology in English will be encouraged throughout the course.
教科書 No textbook is assigned. Classroom handouts will be provided as needed.
参考書 Students will be provided links to various online scientific journals and websites for database research.
オフィスアワー Thursdays 10:30-11:30, 教養教育機構2号1F
受講要件 English is the medium of instruction for this course so students are expected to have basic language skills and be able to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
予め履修が望ましい科目 Not specified.
発展科目 Biotechnology, Horticulture, Agriculture
その他 Improve your English communicative skill and develop your knowledge on biology.


キーワード ワード
Key Word(s) Botany, Economic Botany, Beneficial Plant Resources, Plant Breeding, Environmental Conservation, Presentation, Discussion
学修内容 Content of 15 Lectures
1. Orientation, Explanation of Evaluation Scheme, Choice of a topic for final presentation.
2. Let’s talk about our food- Start with shopping at a local supermarket.
3. Let’s collect the names of 50 different plants not used as food. How do we use them?
4. Let’s learn about the plant body from cell level.
5. Food production, the history and “culture” involved in agriculture.
6. Living things and environmental problems-The story of evolution and ongoing adaptation.
7. Submission of 1st Essay, Peer Evaluation and Oral Presentations.
8. Plant breeding- History and applied modern technology.
9. Economic botany- Plants that have contributed to human civilization.
10. Submission of 2nd Essay, Peer Evaluation and Oral Presentations.
11. Ongoing global efforts for global food security.
12. Challenges for modern farmers and some plant enthusiasts worldwide.
13. Survival tactics of some unique plants and their relation with pollinators.
14. Submission of 3rd Essay, Peer Evaluation and Oral Presentations
15. Review and submission of all written material in a file and final oral presentations.
事前・事後学修の内容 Students are expected to do their own research on each topic before coming to class. After class, they need to further research the topic. Finally they need to improve their essay and presentation based on peer evaluation.

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