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開講年度 2020 年度
開講区分 教育学部・教科に関する専門科目(A類)・英語
科目名 英語コミュニケーション
Communication in English
受講対象学生 教育学部, A 類
学部(学士課程) : 2年次, 3年次, 4年次
~71 期生
卒業要件の種別 選択
授業科目名 英語リスニングⅢ
えいごりすにんぐ III
English Listening III
単位数 1 単位
開放科目 非開放科目    


開講時間 金曜日 3, 4時限
開講場所 教育学部専門1号館3階

担当教員 べンハナン・リチャード・ギボン

Benhanan Richard Gibbon

実務経験のある教員 三重県内の教育現場における英語教育に関する知識や技能を生かし、実態にあった実践的授業を行う。



授業の概要 In this 16 week module, through an active learning lens, you will work in pairs and groups to listen to a range of cultural materials on platforms ranging from podcasts to cinema, TikTok to video games. Examples will consist of music, media and films that demonstrate the irregularity of English accents and dialects. Students will independently research additional content to share within groups Q&A sessions. An exploration of the phonics, stress and rhythm in these examples will provide students with a framework to improve comprehsion of English sounds. Assessments will include10 weekly dictation listening challenges, a mini-phonics quiz (in week 5) and a final listening test which will encompass excerpts from real English-language media outlets (in week 16).
学修の目的 Why study listening? Well...words are the parents of organised thought. The average human listens to between 20,000 to 30,000 words every 24 hours. An average human only utters 125 to 175 words per minute. Biologically, our ears are faster than our mouths! We are able to hear around 450 words per minute. This course attempts to encourage active listening to improve students' English understanding, focusing on words opens up their passive vocabulary, activates a biological readiness to hear and helps students identify the difference between listening, rather than simply hearing. A digital age of globalization is upon us and breaching our institutions in diverse ways. Listening to this growing body of digital media is a viable gateway which can help students access the bounty of diversity that globalization, technology and English can provide.
学修の到達目標 After completing this course, students will be able to:
(1) Identify the 5 main types of listening: Discriminative listening, Appreciative listening, Empathetic listening, Comprehensive listening and Critical listening.
(2) Apply diverse listening techniques to increase comprehension of major international English accents in media.
(3) Articulate the differences between syllable-timed languages like Japanese versus stress-timed languages like English.
(4) Identify, internalise and reproduce intelligible English sounds of speech.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  •  共感
  •  主体性
  •  幅広い教養
  • ○専門知識・技術
  •  論理的・批判的思考力
  • ○表現力(発表・討論・対話)
  •  リーダーシップ・フォロワーシップ
  •  実践外国語力
  • ○問題発見解決力
  •  心身・健康に対する意識
  •  社会人としての態度・倫理観

感じる力 15%
考える力 15%
コミュニケーション力 40%
生きる力 30%

成績評価方法と基準 Participation-40%, Final listening test-30%, Weekly dictation challenges-20%, Reflections-10%
授業の方法 演習






授業改善の工夫 Using a range of media and popular sources, students will be exposed to a preponderance of registers, accents and patterns of language in order to hone their listening schema and thus their ability to denote English sounds. Starting with basics, introducing linguistic patterns and phonic sounds of typical English; building to students receiving a choice of materials to practice listening to, with a view to motivate students to actively listen to content that is relevant to their interests and successfully have the ability to recount information from cognizant listening.
教科書 Content is digitalised media (E.G. Android applications, websites).
参考書 Pre-listen to weekly podcats (E.G. Voices of America).
オフィスアワー Fridays, 18:00-19:00.
予め履修が望ましい科目 「英語リスニングⅠ」「英語リスニングⅡ」
その他 Spoken participation and attendance is mandatory for a passing score. Four unexcused absences shall receive a 0 score. This class will be an immersive English environment, and English must be the primary medium of communication.


Key Word(s) Phonics, accents, dialects, register, stress-timed/syllable-timed language, listening styles.
学修内容 1: Introduction to Listening 3: Applications set-up
2 : Introducing the 4 listening styles: Framing the course
3 : Introducing the phonic alphabet: Learning a key concept of linguistics
4: Using phonics to understand real media: Providing a framework for listening 5 : Patterns of the tongue (plus phonic test): Pronunciation awareness
6: Identifying sounds of speech in accents: Gaining awareness of international pronunciation irregularities
7: Paralinguistic features of English: Global communication styles
8: Listening to culture, sarcasm and jokes: Critical listening
9 : Stress-timed English with poetry: Rhythm awareness
10 : The context of hearing: Revealing the power of cues
11 : Cinema sounds: Comprehensive listening
12 : Decoding musical words: Appreciative listening
13 : News overheard: Practical listening
14 : Human stories: Empathetic listening
15: Review: Utilising course content for future communication 16: Final test and reflections
事前・事後学修の内容 Be on time. On selective weeks, students must locate and share real digital audio data from English contexts that have examples of studied accents, phonetics or features. In In addition, students will be expected to listen to a short digital source each week, before class - ready to discuss their understanding of the material in pairs or groups.

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