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開講年度 2020 年度
開講区分 教育学部・教科に関する専門科目(A類)・英語
科目名 英語コミュニケーション
Communication in English
受講対象学生 教育学部, A 類
学部(学士課程) : 2年次, 3年次, 4年次
~71 期生
卒業要件の種別 選択
授業科目名 英語スピーキングⅢ(スピーチ)
えいごすぴーきんぐ III (すぴーち)
English Speaking III (Speech)
単位数 1 単位
開放科目 非開放科目    


開講時間 金曜日 5, 6時限
開講場所 教育学部専門1号館3階

担当教員 ベンハナン・リチャード・ギボン

Benhanan Richard Gibbon



授業の概要 This is a 16 week class designed to improve students' public speaking fluency by a statistically significant margin, provide techniques for public speaking (for interviews or buisness contexts) and develop cooperative speech writing skills. Students will work in groups to create, develop and perform group speeches for one other, in addition they will perform indvidual speeches to their smaller in-groups. In class, TED talk performances will be the foundation of study. For reflection and improvement purposes, students will record their speeches. Each student will be entrusted to peer-assess their classmates’ performances. This will contribute to their final grade.
学修の目的 In this class students will develop an understanding of the key elements to professional and smooth public speaking. Emphasis will be placed on fluency, body language and the principles of visual-aid graphic design. Students will gain language and visual literacy skills twinned with heightened speaking confidence, and critical awareness of speech performance.
学修の到達目標 "After finishing this course, students will be able to:
(1) Gain practical and practiced knowledge of public speaking skills
(2) Produce efficent and appropriate visual aids for presentation contexts (E.G. interviews, work presentations)
(3) Apply the KASA reflective framework to refine a personal speech performance
(4) Objectively critique the speech performances of others"
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  •  共感
  •  主体性
  •  幅広い教養
  • ○専門知識・技術
  •  論理的・批判的思考力
  • ○表現力(発表・討論・対話)
  •  リーダーシップ・フォロワーシップ
  •  実践外国語力
  • ○問題発見解決力
  •  心身・健康に対する意識
  •  社会人としての態度・倫理観

「感じる力」 20%
「考える力」 30%
「生きる力」 20%
「コミュニケーション力」 30%

成績評価方法と基準 Final Speech-40%, Individual Speeches-30%, Participation-20%, Self Reflections-10%
授業の方法 演習






授業改善の工夫 Adams (2014)'s test task was the inspiration of the assesment model in this module. Albeit, his model only involves pair work. He states that it is a: ‘readily available statistical tool for analysis.’ It has been altered to improve the system of assessment.

Brown(2003) says that scoring is the key assessment challenge and that the rules for effective assessment must involve the following four things: ①specifying the criterion②setting appropriate tasks③eliciting optimal output and④establishing practical reliable scoring procedures. Based on these rules, peer-assessment rubrics will employ specified, quantifiable and understandable criterion for the student markers.
Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (1991) mention that within cooperative activities individuals seek outcomes that benefit themselves and all other group members. As such, each pupil will be entrusted to review their peers’ contributions consistently and reflect as a team using the criterion. Therefore, students mustcollaborate in order to create a group speech intended for recital as a spoken assessment. This improves employable communication skills.
Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (1999) mention that “metacognitive” approaches to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress to achieve them. Fundamentally, the flipped responsibility will allow students’ to experience peer-to-peer communication instances that require heightened metacognitive engagement.
教科書 Speaking of Speech (Charles LeBeau), Macmillan Education, 2015.
参考書 Co-operate with speech teams, prepare visual aids when necessary.
オフィスアワー Fridays, 18:00-19:00.
受講要件 「英語スピーキングⅠ(自己表現)」または「英語スピーキングⅡ(プレゼンテーション)」をすでに履修していること。
予め履修が望ましい科目 「英語スピーキングⅠ(自己表現)」
発展科目 「英語スピーキングⅣ(ディスカッション)」
その他 ・テスト等により受講生数を制限することがあります。
Spoken participation and attendance will carry weight towards a passing score. Four unexcused absences shall receive a 0 score. This class will be an English only enviroment.


Key Word(s) Public speaking, Visual aids, Group work, Peer-assessment, TED talk videos.
学修内容 1 Introduction to Speaking III - Modelling the perfect speech [TEDtalk 1]
2:Lecture 1: The Proposal Presentation
3:Workshop 1 : Performance considerations, slide structure
4:Speech 1 Preparations: The Proposal Presentation
5:Speech 1: Job Hunting Speech (pair-assessment)
6:Reflection videos: [TEDtalk 2]
7:Lecture 2: The Sales Presentation
8:Workshop 2: Presentation analysis, introducing a rubric
9: Speech 2 Preparations: The Sales Presentation (group-assessment)
10:Reflection videos: [TEDtalk 3]
11:Lecture 3: The Academic Presentation
12:Workshops: Using citations, handling the Q&A
13:Speech 3: The Academic Presentation (teacher/group-assessment)
14:Reflection videos: [TEDtalk 4]
15:Team speech preparations: Present a team-designed product
16:Final Speeches/Reflections: (class-assessment)
事前・事後学修の内容 Be on time, prepare slides and script for speeches when necessary.

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