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開講年度 | 2019 年度 | |
開講区分 | 教育学部・教科に関する専門科目(A類)・英語 | |
科目名 | 英語コミュニケーション | |
えいごこみゅにけーしょん | ||
Communication in English | ||
受講対象学生 |
教育学部, A 類 他類の学生の受講可 学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次 ~71 期生 ・この授業は英語教育コース専攻生以外の学生が対象です。 ・標準履修年次は1年次です。 |
卒業要件の種別 | 必修 |
授業科目名 | 英語スピーキングⅠ(自己表現) [他コース専攻生対象] | |
えいごすぴーきんぐⅠ(じこひょうげん) [たこーすせんこうせいたいしょう] | ||
English Speaking Ⅰ(Self-expression) [All majors except English majors] | ||
単位数 | 1 単位 | |
ナンバリングコード | ED-ECOM-1
※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 |
開放科目 | 非開放科目 | |
開講学期 |
前期 |
開講時間 |
月曜日 7, 8時限 |
開講場所 | 教育学部1号館3階 授業時間割で確認のこと |
担当教員 | インドゥ・ジュネジャ(教育学部 外国人非常勤講師) | |
Indu Juneja |
授業の概要 | The course is centered around a variety of interactive and discussion activities with emphasis on real life skills. |
学修の目的 | The main objective of this course is to develop students' abilities to express themselves in English with more fluency and to provide an atmosphere for free and open discussion. |
学修の到達目標 | The students should be able to learn critical thinking skills and expressing opinions with reasoning. They would also be developing the communication and cultural skills needed for effective conversations in English. |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
成績評価方法と基準 | Students will be evaluated on the following basis: Attendance, Class attitude and Participation: 60%, Preparation and Review: 20%, Final assessment: 20%. |
授業の方法 | 演習 |
授業の特徴 |
問題提示型PBL(事例シナリオ活用含) 問題自己設定型PBL プロジェクト型PBL 実地体験型PBL グループ学習の要素を加えた授業 その他、能動的要素を加えた授業(ミニッツペーパー、シャトルカードなど) |
授業改善の工夫 | Modifying the class contents and the teaching materials according to the students' abilities, their expectations and requirements |
教科書 | No textbook |
参考書 | An English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionary. |
オフィスアワー | 英語教育講座代表に問い合わせること (Ask the chair of the Eng. Dept.) |
受講要件 | |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | |
発展科目 | |
その他 | Try to be regular and be on time. If you miss a class, contact a classmate and find out what was done in the class and the assigned homework for the next class. |
MoodleのコースURL |
キーワード | 双方向的議論活動、実生活の技術 |
Key Word(s) | interactive and discussion activities with emphasis on real life skills. |
学修内容 | 1. Self introductions and the course introduction 2. All about the “real” me 3. Friends in general and special friends 4. Friends in general and special friends 5. Shopping - bargains and talking about prices 6. Shopping - bargains and talking about prices 7. Job preferences and job interviews 8. Job preferences and job interviews 9. What do you think? Asking for and giving opinions about various topics and people. Giving reasons for their opinions. 10. What do you think? Asking for and giving opinions about various topics and people. Giving reasons for their opinions. 11. What a character? Talking about the personality traits, identifying personal strengths and weaknesses. 12. Watching a DVD 13. Money matters 14. Talking about summer vacation – domestic and international travel 15. Talking about summer vacation – domestic and international travel 16. Final assessment |
事前・事後学修の内容 | The students should do all the necessary preparation and review for each class. All the assignments should be done on time. |