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開講年度 | 2018 年度 | |
開講区分 | 教育学部・教科又は教職に関する科目 | |
科目名 | 英語教育 | |
えいごきょういく | ||
English Teaching | ||
受講対象学生 |
教育学部, A 類 他類の学生の受講可 学部(学士課程) : 3年次, 4年次 ~68 期生 |
卒業要件の種別 | 選択 |
授業科目名 | ICTと英語教育 | |
ICTとえいごきょういく | ||
ICT and English Education | ||
単位数 | 2 単位 | |
他学部・他研究科からの受講 |
市民開放授業 | 市民開放授業ではない | |
開講学期 |
後期 |
開講時間 |
水曜日 1, 2時限 |
開講場所 | 教育学部専門1号館3階「遠隔授業教室」 | |
担当教員 | 早瀬光秋(教育学部英語教育講座) | |
HAYASE, Mitsuaki |
授業の概要 | In this course, the students will get familiar with using ITC in learning and teaching languages mainly through the following two activities improving their four skills in English at the same time. First, the students will engage themselves in five video-conferences (VCs) with students of the University of Michigan (UM) in which both the Japanese and American students give presentations on Japanese and American cultures and have discussions on the presentations. Second, the students will improve their English skills by reading and discussing articles about on-line courses and other artcles related to ITC gaining an image of a future education system. |
学習の目的 | 1. The students will be familiar with use of ICT in teaching and learning English 2. The students will improve their English in the four skills. |
学習の到達目標 | . |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
授業の方法 | 講義 演習 |
授業の特徴 | |
教科書 | The reading materials will be given in class. |
参考書 | |
成績評価方法と基準 | (1) Participation (10 %) (2) VC presentations (70%) (3) Article reading (20%) |
オフィスアワー | Mondays, 13:00-14:30 |
受講要件 | |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | |
発展科目 | |
授業改善への工夫 | |
その他 | The class will be conducted in English. |
キーワード | |
Key Word(s) | ITC, the Internet, four skills in English, online education |
学習内容 | (tentative plan) I. Five class meetings will be used for the videoconfereces (VCs) with the University of Michigan. II. Five class meetings will be used for the preparations of the VCs. III. Five class meetings will be used for article reading. |
事前・事後学修の内容 | The students are required: (1) to do regular homework scrupulously. (2) to have positive attitude and willingness to use English in class. (3) to be ready to do spontaneous talking. |
ナンバリングコード(試行) | ED-EDUC-3 |
※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら