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開講年度 2017 年度
開講区分 工学研究科(博士前期課程)建築学専攻
領域 主領域 : G
受講対象学生 大学院(修士課程・博士前期課程・専門職学位課程) : 1年次
授業科目名 ファシリティマネジメント特論
PBL in Advanced Facility Management
単位数 2 単位
他学部・他研究科からの受講 他専攻の学生の受講可
市民開放授業 市民開放授業ではない


開講時間 金曜日 3, 4時限
開講場所 建築情報演習室

担当教員 加藤 彰一(工学研究科建築学専攻)

KATO, Akikazu


授業の概要 Outline
Comprehensive approach on planning, design and management of facilities is discussed from view point of Facility Management. Building Performance Evaluation framework is introduced to enable continuous quality improvement to encompass the design and technical performance of buildings and to contribute to knowledge building in the design and construction industry. English language is used for means of communication and presentations.
学習の目的 Learning Objectives
To understand the professional role of Facility Manager as emerging international certification and to gain knowledge and skills needed. Also, to learn necessary professional service as architects and urban design consultants to provide supportive functions for Facility Managers.
学習の到達目標 Achievements
To learn necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the examination for certified Facility Manager.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標
○ JABEE 関連項目

○ 全学の教育目標
  •  感性
  •  共感
  •  倫理観
  •  モチベーション
  • ○主体的学習力
  •  心身の健康に対する意識
  •  幅広い教養
  •  専門知識・技術
  • ○論理的思考力
  •  課題探求力
  •  問題解決力
  •  批判的思考力
  •  情報受発信力
  •  討論・対話力
  • ○指導力・協調性
  •  社会人としての態度
  •  実践外国語力
  • ○感じる力、考える力、コミュニケーション力を総合した力

授業の方法 講義

授業の特徴 PBL Moodle

教科書 Wolfgang F. E. Preiser, and Jacqueline C. Vischer, ed. (2005). Assessing Building Performance, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
Shauna Mallory-Hill, Wolfgang F. E. Preiser, and Chris Watson, ed. (2012). Enhancing Building Performanc, Wiley-Blackwell
Wolfgang F. E. Preiser, Aaron T. Davis, Ashraf M. Salanma, and Andrea Hardy ed. (2015). Architecture Beyond Criticism Expert judgement and performance evaluation, Routledge
参考書 Chuck Eastman, et.al. (2011). BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors, second edition, Wiley
Karen Kensek, Douglas Noble ed. (2014). Building Information Modeling: BIM in Current and Future Practice, Wiley
IFMA, Paul Teicholz ed. (2013). BIM for Facility Managers, Wiley
FM推進連絡協議会編, 総解説ファシリティマネジメント, 日本経済新聞社, 2003
FM推進連絡協議会編, 総解説ファシリティマネジメント・追補版, 日本経済新聞社, 2009
成績評価方法と基準 Evaluation is carried out based on five group reports and presentations, and a final personal report. The depth of analysis, inherency of need issues, and practicality of solution are the main criteria.
オフィスアワー Office Hours: every Tuesday 12:00~13:00, Room No.4317, send email for appointment (kato@arch.mie-u.ac.jp)
予め履修が望ましい科目 建築都市設計計画演習Ⅰ
授業改善への工夫 Moodle2 is used to exchange information and to receive presentation reports.
その他 英語対応授業である。


キーワード Facility Management, Building Information Modeling, office, commercial facilities, healthcare facilities, music hall
Key Word(s) Facility Management, Building Information Modeling, office, commercial facilities, healthcare facilities, music hall
学習内容 Students are expected to carry out their studies based on five senarios using textbooks and reference books. Each senario consists of a brief introduction by the instructor, brain storming on the topic, discussions, student presentation, and further discussions.
1. Scenario 1 Recent Topics in Facility Management (FM)
2. Discussions 1
3. Presentation 1 and Further Discussions
4. Scenario 2 Recent Topics in Building Performance Evaluation (BPE)
5. Discussions 2
6. Presentation 2 and Further Discussions
7. Scenario 3 How will BPE impact FM
8. Discussions 3
9. Presentation 3 and Further Discussions
10. Scenario 4 Recent Topics in Building Information Modeling (BIM)
11. Discussions 4
12. Presentation 4 and Further Discussions
13. Senario 5 How will BIM impact BPE and FM
14. Discussions 5
15. Presentation 5 and Further Discussions
学習課題(予習・復習) Discussions are carried out as a group work among three to four members depending on the total number of registered students. A teacher will act as a floating tutor among the group to facilitate the discussion.
ナンバリングコード(試行) EN-ARCH-5

※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら

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