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開講年度 2017 年度
開講区分 教育学部・教職に関する科目
科目名 中学校・高校の教科教育法
Subject Teaching Methodology in Junior and Senior High School
受講対象学生 A 類, 教育学部
学部(学士課程) : 3年次, 4年次
~67 期生
卒業要件の種別 選択
授業科目名 英語科教育法Ⅱ
えいごかきょういくほう II
English Teaching Methodology II
単位数 2 単位
他学部・他研究科からの受講 他専攻の学生の受講可
市民開放授業 市民開放授業ではない


開講時間 火曜日 5, 6時限
開講場所 英語科第一演習室

担当教員 早瀬光秋(教育学部英語教育講座),

HAYASE, Mitsuaki


授業の概要 In the first semester, we learned English teaching methodology mostly in terms of improving four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), student and teacher, language and language learning, vocabulary, and some misunderstood language points.
In other words, we learned basic techniques of English teaching. In this semester, we will look at English teaching through the examination of specific teaching methods put into practice in the history of language teaching. The combined knowledge and insight from the two semesters will help students be well-rounded teachers of English.
学習の目的 The students will be familiar with time-tested English teaching methods so that they can put them into practice upon becoming English teachers.
学習の到達目標 The students will be well-informed of important teaching methods tested up to now and be able to use them in one way or another in teaching situations.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  •  感性
  •  共感
  •  倫理観
  •  モチベーション
  • ○主体的学習力
  •  心身の健康に対する意識
  •  幅広い教養
  • ○専門知識・技術
  •  論理的思考力
  • ○課題探求力
  •  問題解決力
  •  批判的思考力
  •  情報受発信力
  • ○討論・対話力
  •  指導力・協調性
  •  社会人としての態度
  •  実践外国語力
  •  感じる力、考える力、コミュニケーション力を総合した力

授業の方法 講義 演習

授業の特徴 グループ学習の要素を加えた授業

教科書 授業中に指示する。
参考書 田崎清忠他. 1995. 『現代英語教授法総覧』 大修館書店.
成績評価方法と基準 Participation (5%), weekly quizzes (30%), and final exam (65%)
オフィスアワー 13:00-14:30 on Mondays
受講要件 "English Teaching Methodology I" is the prerequisite course.
その他 The class will be conducted in English.


Key Word(s) content-based instruction, communicative language teaching, task-based learning
学習内容 1st week: Review of the final examination of the first semester, relationship between the first and second semesters
2nd week: Introduction
3rd week: The grammar-Translation Method
4th week: The direct-Method
5th week: The Audio-Lingual Method
6th week: The silent Way
7th week: Desuggestopedia
8th week: Community Language Teaching
9th week: Total Physical Response
10th week: Communicative Language Teaching
11th week: Content-based Instruction
12th week: Task-based Language Teaching
13th week: The Political Dimensions of Language Teaching and the Participatory Approach
14th week: Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences
15th week: Emerging Uses of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning
16th week: Final Examination
学習課題(予習・復習) A reading assignment will be given for each class meeting and a quiz is given on it in the following week.
ナンバリングコード(試行) ED-EDUC-2

※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら

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