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開講年度 | 2017 年度 | |
開講区分 | 工学研究科(博士前期課程)国際教育科目 | |
領域 | ||
受講対象学生 |
大学院(博士課程・博士後期課程) : 1年次, 2年次 |
選択・必修 | 選択必修 |
授業科目名 | 実践英語 II | |
じっせんえいご II | ||
English for Your World II | ||
単位数 | 1 単位 | |
他学部・他研究科からの受講 |
市民開放授業 | 市民開放授業ではない | |
開講学期 |
後期 |
開講時間 |
火曜日 5, 6時限; 水曜日 3, 4, 7, 8時限 |
開講場所 | ||
担当教員 | セルバンテス マリア | |
授業の概要 | 以下の3種類の要素を網羅した発信型英語の授業を行う。 *ディスカッション *会話 *ライティング |
学習の目的 | During the first semester, you had the first hand of experiencing a significantly closely-knit variety of means of using the power of language to express yourself under our Speech Development and Improvement Course, thus realizing its end of furthering the ability of those who already have it whereas those wanting to acquire it succeeded in doing so. As it is, there is a need to sustain what we have started with ensuring that communication skills are further developed and augmented. This semester's course on strengthening listening, speaking, reading, and writing is designed to meet that. The student desirous to make his or her journey to worldwide integration using the universal language must therefore, prepare for the challenge. |
学習の到達目標 | 科学技術英語の基本を習得する。 |
ディプロマ・ポリシー |
授業の方法 | 講義 演習 |
授業の特徴 | PBL 能動的要素を加えた授業 グループ学習の要素を加えた授業 |
教科書 | |
参考書 | |
成績評価方法と基準 | 中間課題(40%)、期末課題(40%)、出席点(20%)により評価する。(合計が60%以上で合格) 4回以上の欠席は不可とする。 |
オフィスアワー | 各授業中 |
受講要件 | |
予め履修が望ましい科目 | 実践英語 Ⅰ |
発展科目 | |
授業改善への工夫 | |
その他 |
・第一回目の授業には必ず出席すること。 ・当授業に関しては、第一回目の授業までに履修登録した学生のみ履修可とする。つまり、修正申告期間内であっても、二週目以降に他授業から当授業に変更を希望する学生の履修は認めない。 ・履修登録した学生以外(聴講生など)の受講も認めない。 ・Make sure to attend the first meeting. ・A student who has previously attended a class and whose name appears on the class list even if it be within the period to make class alterations, will not be allowed to move to and from another class. ・No student who is not officially registered, will be allowed to join in any class period. |
キーワード | 授業回ごとに設定したテーマ沿って、発話演習を行う。 |
Key Word(s) | Communicative, Communication Skills, Homonyms, Presentation |
学習内容 | 1. Reassessment 2. Course Overview 3. Reading a. How to Read Effectively b. Understanding What is Read 4. Listening 5. Developing Listening Skill a. Class Discussion b. Listening Exercises 6. News Reporting 7. News Reporting 8. Tongue Twisters 9. Exercises 10. Homonyms 11. Presentation Workshop 12. Research Paper Editing/Workshop 13. Research Paper Editing/Workshop 14. Presentation 15. Presentation N.B. Please make sure that once you have enrolled in the class, you will be willing to participate in any and all learning processes that the instructor will introduce to you in no other medium of instruction but English. The class is conducted in the English language only. Serious consideration will be taken into account with regard to class standing, class project - whether individual or group, and attendance. While the instructor has repeatedly encouraged the class to think critically and ask questions, questions which are personal to you and questions of remoteness to the class topic or discussion may not be entertained. A perfect attendance will work to appreciate your final assessment; a non-attendance however, of the given maximum number will cause your failure in the class, including non-compliance with requirements and non-submission of projects on due dates without any justifiable reason. Please use the email for urgent communications purposes. There is no MOODLE use or WEBSITE use for this one(1) credit course. Please be guided accordingly. |
学習課題(予習・復習) | 課題の詳細については、授業内で指示する。 |
ナンバリングコード(試行) | EN-COMN-4 |
※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら