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開講年度 2021 年度
開講区分 国際交流センター(国際キャリアアップコース)
受講対象学生 学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次, 5年次, 6年次
授業科目名 環境問題と地球B
Environmental Issues and Our Planet Earth B
単位数 2 単位


開講時間 金曜日 3, 4時限


* 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい


開講場所 国際交流センター 視聴覚室(総合研究棟Ⅱ2階)

担当教員 ブライアン・ジェームス・マホニー(非常勤講師)

Brian James Mahoney

Instructor can be contacted through CIER office.


* 状況により変更される可能性があるので定期的に確認して下さい


授業の概要 To study and evaluate various environmental issues relating to global warming, biodiversity, our planet earth and to begin to recongnize the impact these pose to life and sustainabilty.
学修の目的 For students to develop a greater awareness of the environment and global issues relating to it. To understand differing views that help shape the dynamics of the movements for global change. And for students to learn the basics of the language used to discuss these topics on the global stage.
学修の到達目標 For students to develop a greater awareness and appreciation for the environment. To gain a better understanding of the vital roles that systems of ecology play in our lives. To reconnect with nature in ways that benefit our planet Earth.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  • ○共感
  • ○主体性
  • ○幅広い教養
  •  専門知識・技術
  • ○論理的・批判的思考力
  • ○表現力(発表・討論・対話)
  • ○リーダーシップ・フォロワーシップ
  • ○実践外国語力
  • ○問題発見解決力
  •  心身・健康に対する意識
  •  社会人としての態度・倫理観

成績評価方法と基準 Class Point total: 100 points. Assginment #1 (25 points), Assignment #2 (25 points), Final Assignment (Two Parts: 25 points each).
授業の方法 講義







教科書 Materials will be provided by the instructor. Students have access to university computers made available in the classroom.
参考書 Environmental Documentary and Film: Several titles throughout the course will be presented in order to provide additional support to subject matter. These films will be shown in English/Japanese with English/Japanese subtitles.
オフィスアワー Friday after class: 12:00-12:30. (CIER classroom).
受講要件 This is an English content class and therefore a strong background in English writing, reading and communication is necessary. For Japanese students an above average score of at least 600 on the TOEIC test or similar test(s) is necessary. Overseas study and/or international exchange experience is also a plus. *An above average score of at least 730 points on the TOEIC test is a strong indicator of English ability needed for success in this course.
発展科目 With a committed effort, students will gain a better understanding of the language used and the key and controversial issues relating to the global environment. Students will have opportunites for group discussion. Essay and slide show presentations will also give students the opportunity to express facts, viewpoints and opinions in English.
その他 Please note that a short essay may be required prior to official acceptance into this class.


キーワード 環境問題、私たちの地球、生物多様性、エコシステム、伝統と文化
Key Word(s) Environmental Issues, Our Planet Earth, Biodiversity, Eco-Systems, Tradition & Culture
学修内容 Class 1: Course Introduction. Students will respond in writing to several questions in regards to the course topic.
Class 2: Student introductions will be followed by an introduction to Assignment #1 (Energy Issues in Japan). Nuclear Power, Nuclear Waste & Alternative Energy issues will be discussed.
Class 3: Assignment #1 preparations will continue. Students will also prepare for Special Guest(s) who will discuss and share viewpoints on Energy Issues in Japan.
Class 4: Special Guest(s) lecture on Energy Issues in Japan. Talk will be followed by a Q & A session.
Class 5: Students will create a short PPT presentation about Energy Issues in Japan, including thier thoughts & opinions in regards to the special guest(s) lecture.
Class 6: An introduction to Assignment #2 (the Carbon Cycle & Our Planet Earth). Students will learn about the Carbon Cycle and view related documentary.
Class 7: Preparations for Assignment #2 will continue as students will view a documentary and discuss about the effects of deforestation and the ever increasing erosion of vital eco-systems.
Class 8 & 9: Students will write about the Carbon Cycle and demonstate their knowledge by incorporating an example from the global environment. Students will share their ideas with classmates.
Class 10: Final Assignment #3 is a Two Part project which asks students to address the fact of of our natural world that- All animals are important to their environment (eco-system(s)).
Class 11: In Part One, students will select a vertebrate species from the wild and begin to build a model of this species with the aid of various art materials made available for their use.
Class 12 & 13: Over these two class sessions, students will continue working on a model of their chosen species. Preparations for Part Two will begin.
Class 14: Upon completion of the model, students will focus on crafting their presentation that will incorporate a PPT slideshow and explanation of the role of the species in its environment, et all.
Class 15: Students will present their models with a PPT presentation for a class-wide discussion.
Class 16: Assessment of student work for final assignement including an overall assessment will be provided for each and every student.
事前・事後学修の内容 Prior to the following week's class, students will be assigned various prep work assignments, including, magazine/newspaper articles, research articles, online videos, etc. It is expected that students will spend from 1 - 3 hours per week on these prep work assignments. Students will also be expected to contact with the instructor during the week through email. Follow up work from these assignments may take an additional 1 to 2 hours of study time.
事前学修の時間:60分/回    事後学修の時間:60分/回

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