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開講年度 2018 年度
開講区分 教育学部・教科又は教職に関する科目
科目名 小学校の教科又は教職に関する科目
Subject for elementary school or teaching profession
受講対象学生 教育学部, A 類
学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次
~70 期生
卒業要件の種別 その他
授業科目名 早期英語教育論
Early English Education
単位数 2 単位
他学部・他研究科からの受講 他専攻の学生の受講可
市民開放授業 市民開放授業ではない


開講時間 月曜日 9, 10時限
開講場所 教育学部1号館(詳細は時間割で確認のこと)

担当教員 ケント・スコット(教育学部特任教員)

Kent Scott


授業の概要 *この授業は、易しい英語を使って行われます。
English Education has expanded into the Elementary Schools of Japan and this expansion will continue. Second language acquisition is a field that presents many challenges for Elementary School teachers especially if the teachers are inexperienced or unprepared. Further, the addition of native English speaking ALTs to the classroom brings a unique set of problems and opportunities. Over the course of a teaching career, Elementary School teachers can expect to be faced with a variety of English textbooks and co-workers, each with their own views and methods of teaching English. How well these challenges are met will have an enormous influence on the success of the language program and on the ability of the students.
学習の目的 This course is designed to prepare future Elementary School teachers for the challenges of Early English Education. Theoretical subjects will be covered, but the emphasis will be always on practical applications. We will learn the basics of many teaching methodologies that will likely be encountered, their strengths and weakness, and how to plan lessons that emphasize their strengths. We will also explore some of the experiences of team teaching with ALTs and strategies to make those partnerships successful. Further, we will study and practice useful teaching activities and will see how they can be modified for different situations. We will wrap up the course by planning and executing English classes in a realistic environment.
学習の到達目標 After completion of this course, students will:
1) Have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of second language acquisition and the tools to explore the subject more deeply as desired.
2) Have knowledge of the problems and benefits of working with ALTs and confidence to build successful partnerships.
3) Have the knowledge and skills required to make exciting and successful English classes for young learners.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  •  感性
  •  共感
  •  倫理観
  •  モチベーション
  •  主体的学習力
  •  心身の健康に対する意識
  •  幅広い教養
  •  専門知識・技術
  •  論理的思考力
  •  課題探求力
  •  問題解決力
  •  批判的思考力
  •  情報受発信力
  •  討論・対話力
  •  指導力・協調性
  •  社会人としての態度
  •  実践外国語力
  •  感じる力、考える力、コミュニケーション力を総合した力

「感じる力」 20%
「考える力」 30%
「生きる力」 20%

授業の方法 講義 演習

授業の特徴 PBL 能動的要素を加えた授業 グループ学習の要素を加えた授業

教科書 No textbook used
参考書 Hi, Friends! 1 & 2 (2012).
第4章 外国語活動
成績評価方法と基準 Evaluation
25% Classroom Participation
25% Individual Lesson Plan Preparation
50% Individual Lesson Plan Presentation (Final)
オフィスアワー 授業中に説明します。
その他 受講希望者多数の場合、抽選などにより人数を制限することがあります。


キーワード 教授法、成功する早期英語授業
Key Word(s) teaching methodologies, successful English classes for young learners
学習内容 1. Introduction to Early English Education: Goals and Motivations
2. Teaching Methods: Traditional Teaching, Grammar-translation
3. Presentations using concepts studied in Lectures 1 & 2
4. Teaching Methods: Total Physical Response
5. Presentations using concepts studied in Lecture 4
6. Teaching Methods: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
7. Presentations using concepts studied in Lecture 6
8. Teaching Environment: ALT challenges and Opportunities
9. Teaching Tools: Reading, Writing, Prints, and Projections
10. Presentations using concepts studied in Lectures 8 & 9
11. Teaching Tools: Audio, Activities, and Games
12. Presentations using concepts studied in Lecture 11
13. Teaching Goals: Using Hi, Friends! 1
14. Teaching Goals: Using Hi, Friends! 2
15. Individual Lesson Plan Preparation: Practice and advise
16. Individual Lesson Plan Evaluations (Final)
事前・事後学修の内容 Homework
Homework will be given to students as needed to prepare for future lecture topics and for teaching projects. Homework will not be evaluated as such, but will likely affect class participation and lesson plan scores.
ナンバリングコード(試行) ED-EDUC-2

※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら

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