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開講年度 2017 年度
開講区分 国際交流センター(国際キャリアアップコース)
受講対象学生 学部(学士課程) : 1年次, 2年次, 3年次, 4年次, 5年次, 6年次
授業科目名 世界遺産と私たちA
Our World Heritage A
単位数 2 単位
市民開放授業 市民開放授業ではない


開講時間 金曜日 1, 2時限
開講場所 国際交流センター視聴覚教室

担当教員 ブライアン・ジェームス・マホニー

Mahoney, Brian James

Instructor can be contacted through CIER office.



授業の概要 To introduce, explore and reflect upon the many wonders, both natural and made-made, that exist around our world.
学習の目的 This course will introduce the student to several amazing wonders, some natural, some man-made, around our world and focus on understanding key points of interest associated with each of these wonders. The importance of these wonders in our world and also the threats that these wonders face will be examined and discussed.
学習の到達目標 For students to develop a greater awareness and appreciation for each of these world wonders. To gain a better understanding of the vital roles that each has played throughout our histories, and to appreciate their importance in our present lives.
○ 学科・コース等の教育目標

○ 全学の教育目標
  • ○感性
  • ○共感
  •  倫理観
  •  モチベーション
  • ○主体的学習力
  •  心身の健康に対する意識
  • ○幅広い教養
  •  専門知識・技術
  • ○論理的思考力
  • ○課題探求力
  •  問題解決力
  • ○批判的思考力
  • ○情報受発信力
  • ○討論・対話力
  • ○指導力・協調性
  •  社会人としての態度
  • ○実践外国語力
  • ○感じる力、考える力、コミュニケーション力を総合した力

授業の方法 講義

授業の特徴 能動的要素を加えた授業 グループ学習の要素を加えた授業

教科書 Materials will be provided by the instructor. Students have access to university computers made available in the classroom.
参考書 Documentary and Film: Several titles throughout the course will be presented in order to provide additional support to subject matter. These films will be shown in English/Japanese with English/Japanese subtitles.
成績評価方法と基準 100 total points. 1st assignment (25 points), 2nd assignment (25 points). Final assignment: Two parts (25 points each).
オフィスアワー Friday after class: 12:00 ~ 12:30. (CIER Classroom).
受講要件 This is an English content class and therefore a strong background in English writing, reading and communication is necessary for success in this class. For our Japanese students a minimum score of 600 on the TOEIC test is required. *An above average score of at least 730 points on the TOEIC test is a strong indicator of English ability needed for success in this course.
発展科目 With a committed effort, students will gain a better understanding of many key natural and man-made wonders around our world. Reflecting on the past and present circumstances surrounding these various wonders, students will be encouraged to explore global issues in relation to the wonders in our world. Extened reading, film and documentary, oral presentation and written essay will also give students the opportunity to express facts, viewpoints and opinions in English.
その他 Please note that a short essay may be required prior to official acceptance into this class. If the essay is necessary, the information will be given at the first class session.


キーワード 世界遺産、保存、修復、芸術、神話
Key Word(s) World Heritage, Preservation, Restoration, Art and Myth
学習内容 Class 1: Course Introduction. Students will respond in writing to several questions in regards to the course topic.
Class 2: Student introductions will be followed by an introduction to Assignment #1 (UNESCO World Heritage Site List, etc.)
Class 3: Assignment #1 preparations will continue. Students will begin Assignment #1 presentations.
Class 4: Assignment #1 presentations will continue. Assessment of student work will be provided for each student.
Class 5: Students will begin preparations for Assignment #2 Art Talk. Topics include, Art Deco architecture, Rediscovering Japan heritage, amongst others.
Class 6: Students will be provided with art materials for work on Part One of Art Talk. Examples include, sketch, watercolor/paint, woodblock print, etc. Students will be notified about Off Campus Excursion to Mie Prefectural Art Museum. Class 7: Students will continue working on Part One of the project. Students will begin preparations for Part Two of the assignment. Part Two includes an accompanying media-based presentation of the topic including personal art work. Class 8 & 9: During these two class sessions students will present their work individually and later in a class-wide format. Assessment of student work (Parts One & Two) will be provided for each student.
Class 10: In preparations for our final assignment, students will be introduced to the topic. Topics include, World Heritage in Danger, Religious Heritage Sites in Asia, Local Heritage in Mie prefecture, amongst others.
Class 11: Students will be notified about their second Off Campus Excursion to a Local Heritage in Mie prefecture. Additionally, students will begin researching and working on their third and final assignment.
Class 12: Research, art work preparations will continue for third and final assignment.
Class 13: Final preparations will continue in class for third and final assignment.
Class 14 & 15: Students will present their final assignment work individually and later in a class-wide format.
Class 16: Assessment of student work for final assignement including an overall assessment will be provided for each and every student.

※最初の2文字は開講主体、続く4文字は分野、最後の数字は開講レベルを表します。 ナンバリングコード一覧表はこちら

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